Forest Recipe Series • Ailanthus prickly ash Spaghetti – Special Discount for Campers
Discover Forest Recipes • Sharing the Foraging Wisdom of Coastal Bunun
Embark on a journey to uncover forest recipes and share in the foraging wisdom of the Coastal Bunun. We offer a selection of menus catering to different skill levels, paired with a specially crafted forest recipe by our chef. Using a simple recipe guide, travelers are invited to view the forest not just as a green expanse but as a home to countless edible plants. Learn to approach the earth gently, harvest sustainably, and experience the ancient art of foraging in a modern, hands-on way. Enjoy the joy of gathering and cooking with your own hands.
Please note: This experience is an add-on available only with camping activities.

Ltinerary Features
Discovering Forest Recipes: A Journey into Nature’s Flavors
Through our chef-curated forest recipes and simple recipe guides, uncover unique forest secrets while practicing gentle foraging from nature. Connect with the flavors of the natural world and relish the joy of collecting and cooking your own ingredients.
- Chef-Curated Recipes: A Blend of Fun and Challenge
Enjoy the thrill of trying our custom forest recipes, designed to balance simplicity and creativity. - Effortless Self-Cooking Experience
With ingredients and tools provided, embrace a lighthearted adventure of self-prepared meals. - Gather Ingredients from the Forest
Wander through lush greenery and experience the heartfelt joy of harvesting your own food. - Local Plants, Authentic Flavors
Use locally-sourced flora to craft dishes that deepen your connection to nature.
“Plant Hide and Seek” Digital Guide: Your Companion for Forest Adventures
The Plant Hide and Seek digital guide is the perfect companion for exploring the base and surrounding forest. Featuring 19 unique plants found in our grounds, the guide includes playful instructions and a detailed map to help you locate natural ingredients. Dive into this enriching exploration and uncover the bounty of the forest while forging a deeper bond with nature.
User Guide:
- Connect your phone to the ranch’s free i-Tribe Wi-Fi.
- Enable location services on your phone.
- A guided tour link will be provided on-site. Please use the Popworld app for navigation and exploration.

Time and itinerary planning and costs
Experience Duration: Starts at 2:00 PM, lasting 3 hours. This is a self-guided program, allowing you to manage the pace and flow within the allotted time.
Experience Space: Your reserved campsite.
Cost: NTD 450
✓ One set of the “Plant Hide-and-Seek” digital guide
✓ One simple recipe
✓ Single-serving ingredients
✓ One set of cooking and dining utensils (Please return by 5:00 PM for the afternoon session)
Experience Duration: Starts at 2:00 PM, lasting 3 hours. This is a self-guided program, allowing you to manage the pace and flow within the allotted time.
Experience Space: Your reserved campsite.
Cost: NTD 450
✓ One set of the “Plant Hide-and-Seek” digital guide
✓ One simple recipe
✓ Single-serving ingredients
✓ One set of cooking and dining utensils (Please return by 5:00 PM for the afternoon session)

按 218评论![]()
皇冠錄音室有限公司2024-09-20Trustindex 核实该评论的原始来源是 Google。
黃佩儀2024-09-07Trustindex 核实该评论的原始来源是 Google。
Nicole Chang2024-08-18Trustindex 核实该评论的原始来源是 Google。
從2018年盼到現在,終於來高山了! 這次帶孩子來攀樹,雖然歸類為冒險治療,但基地對安全很要求,讓我可以很安心的挑戰,到達天花板後,無比暢快,真的好療癒! 活動後的午餐,食物作法樸實,但味道平衡又美味。平台有森林的風,即使正中午的暑氣也進不來。這裡的人、活動、環境以及食物,一切都很美好! 謝謝高山的招待,希望高山一直在,我會再訪!![]()
Chia Rung2024-08-14Trustindex 核实该评论的原始来源是 Google。
游采熒2024-07-07Trustindex 核实该评论的原始来源是 Google。
感謝基地的無敵海景與生態。 營地與原住民木構建築,依勢而建,體現過往部落的智慧與生活。 山海森林陪你一起放輕鬆。 坐擁森林,看飽大海。 謝謝溫暖接納小朋友的基地夥伴。(非常適合國中、國小的小朋友) 謝謝基地夥伴,在部落舊址住下來,傳遞原住民族傳統,用心守護土地與文化。 在這裡,部落文化不是符碼,而是血液。是美感,是與自然生態和諧共生。更是重建的堅韌與勇氣。 (幕後花絮) 出發前才想到晚上睡覺沒有冷氣,向常露營的朋友表達「希望晚上睡覺涼涼的」擔憂,朋友好心安慰「會啦!一定需要蓋被子!!!」結果,戶外雖涼,但帳內還是有點蓄熱。 一面試著入睡一面流汗,出去散步,涼風習習,聆聽蛙蟲夏夜奏鳴曲,先生、小朋友先後睡著。 我獨自到帳外,睡意漸深沉間,看到超級亮、超級「正三角形」的夏季大三角,古人夜觀星象,良有以也。 白天海風不間斷,開車到豐濱國小旁邊吃早餐,吃到好吃的原味蛋餅。在基地踏查,喝萬壽菊冬瓜茶、刺蔥紅茶,隨處坐下看海,都好美好美。 下次我會帶一個小電風扇,就會很好睡。 (浴室廁所乾淨通風,乾濕分離,曬衣區、吹風區的規劃實用、好用,營位設置專屬的用水、插座與資源回收桶。租用的帳篷睡袋地墊枕頭桌椅,都很乾淨。)![]()
某天睡醒就到處吃起魯肉飯的男子2024-06-29Trustindex 核实该评论的原始来源是 Google。
Tracey Chang2024-06-29Trustindex 核实该评论的原始来源是 Google。
Sylvia KUO2024-06-16Trustindex 核实该评论的原始来源是 Google。
很開心第一次爬樹就遇到這麼棒的基地與團隊。爬樹過程,爬上去需要力氣,下來則需要勇氣,其實是自我探索之旅,但又有溫暖嚮導和茄苳樹守護著你。 餐點具手感溫度。望著海食飯,是一大享受。手作打磨木筷時,傳來陣陣檜木香,從木削器削出片片檜木,還可以自作檜木香包! 想要深度旅遊,或是不一樣的戶外文化自然體驗之旅,務必選擇高山森林基地,讓他們和大自然療癒你。❤️

- 此活動為含食材的自主體驗,不以吃餐為目的,也不限於用餐時間進行體驗
- 體驗的食材份量為一位成人的點心飽足食量,若您需要加購食材請最遲於活動前一日與Line客服聯繫
- 此活動將於您預訂的營位內進行,預訂前請確認營位有擋雨的天棚等設備,確保遇雨時仍能繼續進行體驗。
- 體驗提供附帶烹煮設備與餐具,體驗時間結束後需全數返並通知管家,若有遺失或損毀需補貼費用。

Want to experience a lightweight life in the forest?
A solo-friendly experience + camping package, easily making your travel plans to the base camp a reality.